Anyways, I also have two Grandgals Quilts in the "make" is Bike On found in Fons and Porters was a no brainer, very adorable wheels!!....but I did lay the "city" blocks the wrong way when I cut them out, so when I layed it out the city was I had to cut and piece all of them together again....I ended up with a couple 2 inch pieces left...and when it is quilted I don't think it will matter or show much......then, for the other Grandgal the same age, 15, I finally found the perfect style for my artsy/musical gal....the Urban Bead found at Sew Kind of Wonderful....I found the Muscial Serenade bundle on Etsy for that....I think, again the perfect "fit" know us addicted and seriously funny Quilters!!..

.Please enjoy! and Thanks for your patience....I am just a bit technically challenged....(don't laugh my closest techy Iowa friend!).....and I will figure out how to download my new camera pics onto photobucket too!!....
You know I am much more close to my fabric and threads.....and, if truth be known, just a procrastinator with techy things......
Please have a very good Quilted sort of day!!....I hope you enjoy "good" fabric as much as I do and great ideas for that fab!!
Quilt till you remember to eat is my Motto....and other "things".......Blessings!!! Karen