Precious at the Saints of the Lord!! |
Our son Kevin is needing prayers....he is going to have a kidney transplant between 6-8 weeks now if things go as planned. But, on Monday after his suppose to be simple procedure of a dialysis access for Peritoneal (in the abdomen dwelling) his gutt got infected. The Doctors say this has never happened so soon after placement. He went home on Monday afternoon, had it flushed at the center on Tuesday with 500 cc's solution, and then early 130 am on Wednesday he had spiked a fever. I was there to help with the girls and I encouraged his wife to call the Dr and then that Dr sent him to the ER. So, from there they have been putting in three antibiotics into his abdomen once a day and then checking it with the morning exchange....He has gone up in counts of infection and then down yesterday to find the access reddening today and his count slowly raising again. He is not carrying a fever today. I say all this to ask for your prayers. He kidney has only 11% filtration and his blood counts are, of course, low. He may not be able to have dialysis now and maybe must wait on his transplant with many careful blood checks done with outputs until that time....
He does have a match for the transplant, actually, from his old church here in Plymouth..and also has other matches and those on the waiting list. So, we trust God that He does have this taken care of. This has never happened before showed my hub and I that God totally has this, He just needs us to have faith in Him....Kevin feels poorly and has alot of pain at the sight of cellulitus. They have to decide soon what to do with the access and future dialysis needs.
Please Pray that the Doctors can all come to a fast conclusion and understand each others and be in full communication. Also, that his two precious little girls will not have fear or unsettled feelings that they can not voice and that his wife will have the strength to endure and be all that she needs to be for her hub and her little girls and to fully rely on her Lord. She is such a wonderful awesome woman and we love her!!.....as we love our son..... Here, he was worn out after a short hike, but the hike included stairs in the hills of southern Indiana.
A Soldier that needs his arms lifted by Us in prayers. |
They have a strong support through their church. May God be praised in all things and worshiped in all our ways before Him.
Quilted Blessings! Karen