November 12, 2013

Our Sons' Journey Continues

Mindy and Kev
Our Son
Sweet Elenor! She has some great ideas on making a wedding ring quilt!  I thought I would check in with you.
  I was with my sons' family all last week and then went back to see him on Sunday.  He is in hemodialysis now on Tues, Thurs and Saturdays...he gets there, so far on time, and then has to wait over an hour to get started.  He has a mid-day appointment.  Please keep him and his little family; Mindy (wife) and Coralynn and Amelia (little girls) in your thoughts and prayers.  He has live donors on a list; he is fortunate; he has a waiting list of friends and family that match and want to be a donor.  His donor from our town here in Plymouth is waiting to start the 3rd part of her journey of her matching kidney, so, since he has had to go on hemodialysis due to getting peritonitis with the Peritoneal Dialysis, he really is praying the transplant is soon.  He has to be infection free for 2 weeks before any transplant can happen; so they think it will be in December.  That also would be an answer to prayer as the healthcare is changing for everyone and especially them January 1st.  Kevs' faith continues to grow...  God is showing that HE is in control and that HE holds Kevin in His hands....He is soverign.  I am back home and working on the doll quilt to send to UK for November; then it is my plan to get my shop open and offer some longarming and the fabric that I have for those that would like to purchase it! and take Quilt lessons.  But, for now, Kev and his family is # 1 in our lives.  His sister and little Caroline are going to see them this weekend and I am sure Leah will keep him company during his 3.5 hour dialysis on Saturday...happens to be my Hubs birthday and Kevs' Dad....he is 44....opps....lets try 64....heehee.....we will be married 44.....haha......
I pray you are all well and safe....God Bless and Quilted Blessing!!! Karen



Lisa said...

Praying for your precious family! It takes a toll on all the family when a child is so sick!

julieQ said...

I am praying for Kevin! and his precious family and for you of worry the most! My nephew in on the waiting list for a kidney too.