October 8, 2016

Did You Hoolahoop?

Did you ever hoolahoop?......Hours and Hours?....Me TWO!!!

Hurricane Matthew had mercy.....it had some tough areas and yes, there
was damage but no where what could have been experienced in the US I am glad
people did go to higher ground and wait it out.....most people did.
We had rain here  and gusty winds....lost a small artificial pear tree....some other
branches. Nothing, really.

We do pray for Haiti.....and the Islands....

I am still suffering with sciatica and was up soaking at 130 am to relax my
now very weary leg muscles.  It was raining hard on the metal roof and with
the bathroom window open a bit, I truly relaxed with the sound.
As life has it's experiences for us on our journey, I will see a Neurologist this
Thursday to inspect my decreasing reflexes in the legs and the muscle exhaustion.
I suppose that means an MRI.I just heard there is a vertical MRI being done in Illinois now.  Pretty cool!!
  I am just ready to have no pain, or less pain.
I was blessed last night though with NO hip pain during the night...but my legs
kicked in and gave their amount of pain in instead.
Come swing with me!

So, I have not longarmed on Suziebell for over a week now or pieced any fabric together.  My Hub knows I am sick if I am not on a project, or two.

Where did the mojo go?

I did paint our swing and we got it back on the porch...I LOVE the aqua color!!
It took me two days to get it done.  We are going to paint the porch soon....as it dries out now.  I can work 20 minutes at a time to not over exhaust my muscles and then
pay for it after midnight.

It all could be worse. I know that... I have experience as a Hospice Nurse and also an OB
nurse...so, no, my level is on a low bar, comparing.
Those were the days!!
Don't you miss the hoolahoop!!....Maybe that is what I need to do when I am healed from what is bugging me now....
God bless you today....and if you are in the area of the Hurricanes path, we pray you
are safe and doing well.

Give Angela Walters Paisly Feathers a try.....I LOVE Angela.......

September 26, 2016

Time Past

1800 foundation
.....Hub had uncovered an OLD 1800 foundatio
of a shed or barn on our land.  News was that there was an old trail through our place heading toward Columbia, SC.  That makes sense, as I20 runs near by to that area from Augusta, Ga.....so!.....History.....plus the
steps to an old cabin that did stand here, but the previous owners goats ate the cabin.....yep, no lie...that is what we were told......

cabin steps

Old trail area

Hubs Bushhog results....awesome clearing
American Jane
I am still working on American Jane.....I have one more row and the bottom borders.....thinking of doing a praire point edge on this one.......

I am trying to gain some strength back to my legs again.  I had no
idea sciatica could be so perplexing; as you want to build up yourself
but the activity aggravates the nerve and you pay for it at night.....but
we are going to push forward as much as we can daily and see that
I can do the normal things like .... take a walk!.....

Yes, I do quilt....20 minutes at a time....

My sweet friend near Cedar Rapids, Iowa

Cedar Rapids Iowa.....flooding
Flood again.....last major flood was 2008 and this one is also
approaching those levels.  Not quite but close......our hearts go out to them. They
are more prepared this time than in the previous flood....

Praying no one looses their homes...or lives......

September 24, 2016

Finish Binding

A good video on finishing the binding on a Quilt.......

Let's Weave It!!

Have a great weekend!  
Add caption

September 22, 2016

Three More.....


Thankyou Cindy Needham for Template
 I love American Jane Fabric.....so fun....this was just a layer cake quilt....all schooly...all cute....and Cindy Needhams new template is just great....it comes in several sizes for different blocks....do what you want inside the chalked lines....just like school use to be like....

Three more rows....it is a big, big Queen size....not sure why I made it so big....I was snowbound in our cabin in Indiana is all I can say, a couple years ago......for weeks.....   Yes, I truly had Cabin Fever.

Hub is putting a cover over our well compartment outside.......anyways, this gal was inside
the cover to greet him..... it is gone now, he is not sure where it went....if you do get a bite, go to the ER.....it is nothing to mess with at home.....wash it....put antibiotic cream on it if it is handy and head out!!..............
Black widow

Be safe Dear Friends....Psalms 94:1    We love Charlotte  NC in SC.....our prayers are with all in these unsettled times.

Happy Quilting.....

September 19, 2016

And So There Was......

Quilting on....pile of ripping.....
2 days rippings

Greenhouse plastic on......Ingenious Hub......only 1 1/2 hours to complete.....
He use tennis balls on end of ropes to pull the plastic up
My hub.......Amazing Man!!
It pulled well

He secured with wiggled wires

Love those talented Hands

STRETCH but not toooo tight.....

Just Right!!   No wind and temps in 80's.....LOVELY
Somebody has to Supervise!!
 ME? What did I do?....I supervised....and helped keep the plastic "in line"........
Keep calm and Quilt On!!  It is all a process!!  Enjoy it!!
Happy Bug Hunting
Our Rooster keeps busy directing his Chicks!....


September 15, 2016


Loving Cindy Needham's new Template
Part of quilting can be a ripping day.....not ripping my guts out with laughter....I have
done that in the past but not over quilting...heehee....
I was using yellow thread the other day on one row of my American Jane.....I had
decided on counsel with my friend Amy and decided to use different colors of thread on the
rows since it was a very "schooly" quilt....if there is such a word!!.....so the yellow
looked a little weird on some blocks but did I stop and use my mirror to see or investigate....
NOPE....I kept on quilting.....more rows, more colors.....I am half way done now
through 10 rows but I am patiently and with perserverence, as the Book of James
talks about, ripping out the feathered stitches......I am glad that I did not do the whole 8 blocks on this
row with the bad tension.
I am also glad that my Gammill is a faithful friend and I don't have this problem
very often....but once a year is enough for me!!.......


RIPP RIPP RIPP......van winkle?
Now some cute pics of my son in Maryland as he opens his new wireless Bose speaker....he was 44 last week and he son was 20 2 days before his birthday.....and so you can see his son's reaction to
his Daddyo's gift from us......Our son also graduated from College with a BS in History in the Spring....so better late than never combo gift.....
He has shared that the speaker has made it's way around the house.....I hope he gets to use it too!!!.....we have one and it is awesome!!....
A speaker WELL deserved

And then our son in Bloomington went to an IU Football game .....and they won!!.....so see you son in three weeks at the SHOE!!!......just sayin'
Oh by the way, son..remember when I Tebowed on your IU emblem.....Just sayin'.....
IU Football with the Crimson Quarry Spirit
and then last but not least my new Sketchers Quiltin Dog Shoes.......speaking of the Shoe.......
Love the Shoes!!

Thanks for stopping by....it is a good day to have a good day!!.....ripping or not!!

September 10, 2016


Annie J Flint.....please read this account of her life......it is a testimony
of God's Grace.....not easy, not question free, not without pain....please
get a cup of tea or coffee...take a few times of reading the account; you
won't regret it......Annie's Story

Enjoy your Quilted Day....I am working on my American Jane.....

American Jane