September 26, 2016

Time Past

1800 foundation
.....Hub had uncovered an OLD 1800 foundatio
of a shed or barn on our land.  News was that there was an old trail through our place heading toward Columbia, SC.  That makes sense, as I20 runs near by to that area from Augusta,! the
steps to an old cabin that did stand here, but the previous owners goats ate the cabin.....yep, no lie...that is what we were told......

cabin steps

Old trail area

Hubs Bushhog results....awesome clearing
American Jane
I am still working on American Jane.....I have one more row and the bottom borders.....thinking of doing a praire point edge on this one.......

I am trying to gain some strength back to my legs again.  I had no
idea sciatica could be so perplexing; as you want to build up yourself
but the activity aggravates the nerve and you pay for it at night.....but
we are going to push forward as much as we can daily and see that
I can do the normal things like .... take a walk!.....

Yes, I do quilt....20 minutes at a time....

My sweet friend near Cedar Rapids, Iowa

Cedar Rapids Iowa.....flooding
Flood again.....last major flood was 2008 and this one is also
approaching those levels.  Not quite but close......our hearts go out to them. They
are more prepared this time than in the previous flood....

Praying no one looses their homes...or lives......