February 11, 2013

Doll Quilts

Doll Quilt Monthly is a fun blog to participate in and exchange Doll Quilts monthly with your assigned partner. She sent me a gorgeous whimsy Doll Quilt last week.  The quilting on it is full of twists and turns and little poseys and squiggly lines. The points are perfect and corners are awesome! I am just saying this because I want you to appreciate all her work! She also sent a card that was made with a scene of rolling hills and machine decorative stitching was added to it. Wonderful!!  It fits me perfectly!
 You must visit her blog; pattilousquilts.blogspot.com

The  Doll Quilt I sent to my partner I did find on  another blog http://whynotsew.blogspot.com and with permission enjoyed making and tweaking  mine !  Happy Happy Valentines Day!!! Quilted Blessings!! Karen

February 7, 2013

Snow/Quilt Days

I bet there are some that are in a snow storm today.  We were in a small one 2 day ago.  It was a nice snow and not threatening.  I saw the most beautiful picture of snow out west the other day online.  A man had taken his snowshoes and placed them on his boots and headed out into the fresh white snow and began to do a LARGE quilt pattern (round) in the snow! He must have planned it out before he started.  He must love his wife tons!!  It reminded me of the days when we were kids in Ohio, waking up, and hearing NOTHING; it was so quiet when we got a large snow overnight.  And as soon as we had our warm breakfast and NO SCHOOL today....we would head outside to make our Fox and Geese layout of dens and etc.....and we would play all day....chasing and winning or loosing...taking our mittens to the back door where Mom would meet us and exchanged UNMATCHED sets that had been warmed up on the floor open registers....So! here is our home...the one my Gary Built....not Jack....so awesome! is my main man!  Heading down to see the Grandable Gals tomorrow for a couple days; hope to get to a Quilt shop there and back to quilting on Monday.  Have a safe weekend, when it starts and feel blessed.  Quilted Joy.....Karen

February 6, 2013

Jodi Barrows

Jodi can teach you points that you will never be disappointed in.  You will never look back!!  Please enjoy!!  Quilted Blessings!!  Karen

February 5, 2013

A Great Quilter

A blessed and talented quilter Karen Mowery has passed away, just on Friday. I had followed her work and I honor her here today. You can link up to her blog here and enjoy it and realize life is short; handle with care and prayer. Quilted Blessings! Kari http://sewprimitive.blogspot.com/ May I suggest ordering her last book; I am sure you will enjoy it! A Bountiful Life by Karen Mowery