January 19, 2015

Making Progress

Making progress is always good and since we are doing a renovation siding can cover "alot"....  the buildings are solid .... you can even imagine how full the inside of the garage is....so much more purging to do...but it will come in time.  I have spent some more time putting up my quilts and pictures from our cabin....feeling more comfy now too.
There is the sound of my Farmer's Wife Quilt calling me from my sewing room....how are you doing?
Our son sees a Pituitary Specialist on Wednesday....still waiting to see where all the tests land.....God is watching over him.....his new kidney is doing awesome and his brother is healing; back to running.  Praise!

1 comment:

StitchinByTheLake said...

Wonderful progress - doesn't it feel great! blessings, marlene