August 20, 2008

Time is running out of summer! I am still busy preparing for the Blueberry Festival that hits our town next weekend over Labor is our first year so we have no idea what to expect but right now I am finishing up 20 crib and youth quilts on the longarm...they bind them all...I have 12 large quilts ready to bind also, so needless to say! I will be all "bound up" in a few wonderful daugher in law has been make the cutest little children aprons and is her first summer with her new sewing machine and she is a natural seamstress. My daughter in Ohio has a stack of aprons for us to come and pick and daughter aprons..I can't wait to see them...we are going to relax for an evening and swim at a motel and then head back to more sewing on Saturday and then days of marking and setting it all up for 500000 folks to stream by my little vending area!....yea, Wow! do we get ourelves into these things?..haha
We have also been enjoying the Olympics..makes a great combo..late night sewing and watching the kids make us "proud"..we don't forget our soldiers either...all they do for us to enjoy our life here in America...God Bless them all!
Quilted Blessings! Kari
back to Jane in Sept...I may have found a few here that want to start a group in our area..that is Exciting!!!...

July 10, 2008


I am sure all who come across any quilters' blog can see that at times the quilter seems to be "gone"...well, we are usually doing what we love! Quilting or balancing family and home so we can squeeze in time to quilt! I am getting ready for the festival in our town over Labor Day...since it is our first year we don't really know what to expect or get ready..but we are truly giving it our best try! There are close to 500000 that come into our village over Labor Day..amazing! and more amazing we are part of it this year!! keep up on your projects and I will see if I can keep up and finish mine! I have found some great quilters in Austrailia also over the last couple months, I have joined a stitchers won't begin until later in, being a quilter of various loves and interests I decided I could not miss the chance of having a secret stitcher and I will stitch for another in secret! Fun Idea!...
Count Your Blessings!! and I promise to be a Dear Jane Addict again soon!!!!

June 21, 2008

Bless You This Summer

Just thought I would share alot of talent with a little bit of music...get your coffee, sit back and just enjoy the experience! Quilted Blessings!! Dear Janers! Kari

May 18, 2008

And Away We Go!!

I am back and about ready to get "caught up" on my blocks! So many ideas and projects and so little time! Is that the way you feel? I just heard a new way to quilt, try quilting on old linens! Now I could really shoot myself! A couple years ago I gave away tons of old linens when we went through my husbands Moms' home before selling it! I do have a small source though left! Cindy Needham has begun this idea in her book! just go to her site at and order her book..I also watched her on Alex Andersons' Internet show, if you have not seen that yet, that is a must; it replaces her old Simply Quilts show that was on cable for years...OK!!! I am quilting wholecloth 1800 repro. fabric into panels to make curtains for my almost finished bedroom and bath upstairs in our Cabin....but I figured I could also get atleast 2 blocks for my sweet baby jane quilt done each day so I could get caught up and be on time in the "end"! Confessions of a Dear Baby Janer! Quilted Blessings if you are just stoppin' by....leave a comment if you'd like! Kari

April 29, 2008

See Jane Run!!

Have you ever just wanted to quilt and nothing but quilt? Help You!... that is where I am at right now but not able to get to my sewing room! Since, we are building our cabin and finishing it up day by day, I had to spend a few days sweeping sawdust, cleaning cupboards and setting up my small quilt shop...I was blessed and able to put together a quilt to send down to my grandys in SC for their school fund raiser...I hurriedly longarmed it in a feathered meadow flower pattern and ran off to USP before they closed on Saturday...
You know sometimes Moms' feel sick but they don't realize it? Have you ever been there?....I had a backache all was getting worse..I NEVER have back problems..I am a nurse and finally talked to my hubby who is also a ER nurse..and we thought, "gee, is it in the lower back?,right or left or central?.." we came to the conclusion that I could be passing a small kidney stone!...I increased my fluids and started to drink green finally passed, left me feeling kind of "punky"..but then I could put my full attention and effort into the "gathering frends" quilt I was trying to put together to send out South!..Yea!!....
Now!!! back to my Sweet Baby Jane!!.....soon!! (I have 4 quilts to longarm for some new friends in southern Ohio)! But Soon!!! See Jane Run!!! Quilted Blessings!! Kari

April 23, 2008

Quilting or Bust!

BUSY BUSY BUSY!!!! Aren't we all!!!!!! Got some more fabric in the mail from today...I LOVE it!!!...there is great choices there and it is a quilters haven in price also! I have to finish a quilt to send to South Carolina for our oldest son Steves' kids for a school raffle for helping the school out too! I realized last night that I needed to have it in the mail on Friday,! yep! so! I had to find a simple pattern but interesting too..."I think you've got it!" as the old saying goes!!!....I am also setting up my fabric in my cabin...hoping to get it open soon to sell to kindred souls that I have not met yet! Quilting is such a great experience isn't it?...the back to Jane this weekend..I am sure I am close to 14 behind by now!...but it is "Quilting or Bust!" for me gals!!! Quilted Blessings!! Kari

April 20, 2008


The first two blocks are done!! I even made a video! Playing catch up here in N. Indiana and also enjoying the warm air and beautiful flowers blooming in the herb garden!! Quilted Blessings!! Kari